17 May Top 3 Risks Of Swimming With Contact Lenses In
Do you regularly wear contact lenses in your daily life? If so, you might think it is normal to wear your contact lenses while swimming. However, although it might seem convenient to wear your contact lenses in the pool, there are many risks that come with swimming while wearing contact lenses. If you are interested in the top 3 risks of swimming with contact lenses in, continue reading!
1. Viruses And Bacteria
Any pool of water can be teeming with viruses or bacteria. The bacteria or viruses could get behind your contact lenses, causing eye irritation, and even infection. Itching due to irritated eyes can be detrimental to your overall eye health, especially when you are wearing contact lenses. You might experience contact lens irritation, as well as increased chances of developing foreign body sensation, a feeling similar to a scratching sensation, or sand, in your eye. In extreme cases, excessive itching with contact lenses can lead to corneal abrasions.
But aren’t pools safe from bacteria? Pools may try to decrease bacteria levels by using chlorine. However, chlorine is also an eye irritant, so although you might not feel itchiness and irritation from the bacteria… your eyes might be uncomfortable due to the chlorinated water.
2. Corneal Ulcers
Corneal ulcers are open sores that form on the cornea. These ulcers can be caused by infections, but also just by wearing contact lenses for too long. If you are swimming with contact lenses in, you increase the risk of developing corneal ulcers because you are more likely to develop an infection in the water. Additionally, if you have been swimming for a long time with contact lenses in, you are also more likely to experience corneal erosion.
The symptoms of corneal ulcers are sensitivity to light, swollen eyes, and eye discharge. If you wear contacts while swimming and are experiencing these symptoms, you must seek professional help immediately as early treatment is the best way to prevent permanent vision loss.
3. Dry Eye Syndrome
While you might feel dry eyes from normal use of contact lenses, when swimming, the chances of developing dry eye syndrome increases. If you are swimming in a pool, this is often due to exposure to chlorine, which may cause burning or eye redness. Both burning and redness are dry eye symptoms.
Salt water may also cause your eyes to become dry as it prevents your eyes from naturally lubricating themselves. While people who do not wear contacts might also experience these dry eye symptoms from swimming in chlorinated or salty water, if you wear contacts while you swim these symptoms are more likely to affect you.
Swimming with contact lenses can cause many risks for your eyes, but what if you cannot see without your lenses? If you have a high prescription, it may be impossible to enjoy swimming without your contact lenses. The easiest way to avoid this is by wearing tight-fitted goggles. Goggles will allow you to see underwater, while protecting your eyes from harmful irritants. If you do not have goggles on hand, take your contacts out as soon as you finish swimming. Rinse your eyes, and if possible, put your glasses on. Finally, bring some eye drops with you when you plan to swim, so that you can lubricate your eyes after swimming. This will decrease your chance of developing dry eye syndrome.
Do you want to learn more about the risks you could experience from wearing contact lenses while swimming? If you want to learn more about how to keep your eyes healthy this summer, contact the optometry team at Dr. D’Orio Eyecare today! We can assist you with your vision needs. To book an appointment today, visit https://drdorioeyecare.com/book-appointment/ or call us at 416 656 2020 for our Toronto location, or 416 661 5555 for our North York location.