DuraVision Mirror Coating for Lense

DuraVision® Mirror Coating for Lenses

Our mirror coating for lenses has grown! ZEISS DuraVision Mirror Coatings, are now available in 4 flash mirrors and 7 standard mirrors. Customize lenses with white, jade, amber and sapphire flash mirror coatings in addition to our standard mirror coatings in red, green, blue, strong blue, silver, gold and bronze.

1 Blue

Flash Mirror Sapphire

2 Green

Flash Mirror Jade

3 Grey

Flash Mirror White

4 Yellow

Flash Mirror Amber

Dumirr 1

A mirror can be applied on the front of the lens for the latest fashion statement or to further customize a tinted, polarized or photochromic lenses. All ZEISS DuraVision Mirrors come standard back-coated with ZEISS DuraVision Sun UV anti-reflective coating for uncompromised clarity, durability and easy care.


Available for all ZEISS materials and lens designs.

Easy care with our super clean coat

Water-repellent, anti-static, anti-smudge properties on every surface of the lens.

Additional products from the DuraVision Family like DuraVision Platinum can be applied to tinted lenses as well.

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